Monday, January 09, 2012

WEEK OF 1/9 - 1/13/12

TUESDAY (substitute teacher)

We begin this semester with a review of two new areas of study: the synthesis essay and the multiple choice question. You will be given handouts explaining the synthesis essay, along with a sample for you to try your hand at. To begin our study of answering multiple choice questions, you will be given a review sheet explaining types of questions. Then take the sample reading and read it aloud as a group. Then break up into 3 or 4 groups, perhaps working in different rooms if possible, and answer the questions as a group. Then when everyone is finished, return to the big group and compare your answers with the other groups. I will see you on Thursday.


We will review the materials on synthesis essay from Tuesday, along with more information. Then as a group we will discuss your approaches to the essay you were given, and how you are approaching it.

We will review answers to the questions from Tuesday. What I am interested in is your thought process as you attempt to find the answer. Then I will give you another reading that we will read together, and then break into groups to answer.